


2008年5月12日,汶川大地震后,医院第一支医疗队紧急奔赴四川汶川抗震救灾一线。医院先后组织了3批 16 人抗震救灾。

On May 12, 2008, after Wenchuan earthquake happened, the hospital's first medical team rushed to the Sichuan earthquake relief front line quickly. The hospital has organized three groups of 16 people for earthquake relief.

2008 年,医院成立了全 省首家医疗卫生系统志愿者 服务联络站,现注册志愿者 近4千人,年志愿服务时数 达2.6万小时,惠及群众近 50 万人。

In 2008, the hospital established the first volunteer service liaison office in the medical and health system in the province, now registered with nearly 4,000 volunteers, and its annual volunteer service hours are 26,000, benefiting nearly 500,000 people.


2009 年,菏泽爆发手足口病疫情,医院派出十几名儿科专家组成的专家团队, 连续工作一个月,成功挽救了患儿的生命。

In 2009, hand-foot-mouth disease broke out in Heze, the hospital sent a expert team made up of a dozen pediatric experts, to continuous work for a month, successfully saved many children lives.


2011 年,医院援利比里亚志愿者王刚获利比里亚总统颁发的“非洲之星”荣誉勋章。

In 2011, volunteer Wang Gang who aided Libya in the hospital won, "Africa Star" Medal of Honor issued by the president of Libya.

2012 年 11 月 2 日,医院免费为 9 名西藏先天性心脏病患儿实施了经导管介入治疗手术。

On November 2, 2012, the hospital offered free of charge treatment for nine children with congenital heart disease in Tibet, and implemented transcatheter interventional surgery.


2012年,以hg3088皇冠手机注册 专家为主组建了山东省首支援 建青海医疗队,赴青海各地开 展为期一个月的巡回医疗。

In 2012, Shandong Provincial Hospital experts built first medical team to aid Qinghai in Shandong Province, and they went to Qinghai to carry out a monthlong tour treatment.